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Cracking Cause Analysis of Injection Molded Parts


Cracking in injection molded parts can occur due to various reasons. Here are some common causes of cracking in injection molded parts:

1. Overheating: If the temperature of the mold or the plastic material is too high, it can cause the plastic to overheat, resulting in cracks in the finished product.

2. Poor material selection: The choice of material used in injection molding is critical. If the material is not suitable for the specific application or if the quality of the material is poor, it can cause cracking in the finished product.

3. Uneven cooling: When the plastic material cools down unevenly, it can cause internal stresses to build up, which can lead to cracking in the finished product.

4. Mold design: The design of the mold can also be a cause of cracking in injection molded parts. If the mold design is not optimized for the specific application, it can result in areas of the part that are too thin or too thick, which can lead to cracking.

5. Injection pressure: If the injection pressure used during the molding process is too high, it can cause excessive stress on the plastic material, leading to cracking.

6. Injection speed: If the injection speed is too fast, it can cause the plastic material to flow too quickly, resulting in areas of the part that are too thin and prone to cracking.

7. Mold temperature: If the temperature of the mold is too low, it can cause the plastic material to cool down too quickly, resulting in areas of the part that are too brittle and prone to cracking.

To prevent cracking in injection molded parts, it is essential to ensure that the materials used are of high quality and suitable for the specific application, and the molding process is optimized for the specific requirements of the part. This includes proper mold design, careful control of injection pressure and speed, and optimizing the cooling process to ensure even cooling of the plastic material.

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